Preparing for NeuroHackademy

This page contains information for preparing for NeuroHackademy! Not everything suggested on this page is required; we expect you to chart your own path through the program, with this page serving as a convenient reference.

Setup and Technical Information

NeuroHackademy uses a JupyterHub cloud-computing server for lecture materials and hack projects. The JupyterHub provides an interface to Jupyter notebooks and terminals running on virtual machines remotely in the cloud. We have provisioned these virtual machines to have all of the software tools and configuration details that we typically need for projects in the course, and the machines should have plenty of computing power and memory for our purposes.

Critically, because we use remote virtual machines, you do not need to do anything to setup your laptop for the course aside from having a contemporary web-browser installed. If you would like to install tools like Python, the terminal/shell, and git on your local laptop, this page, maintained by the Carpentries organization, has instructions for installing these tools locally.

To connect to the JupyterHub, direct your browser to Authentication is performed using your GitHub credentials, so after clicking the “Log In to Continue” button followed by the “Log On” button, you should be prompted for your GitHub username and password.


Logistical information about travel, housing, and internet can be found on the Logistics Page!

Review Resources

You do not need to review any particular material prior to the NeuroHackademy—for topics like Python programming we will have lectures in two tracks: introductory Python and advanced topics. However, if you are interested in brushing up on some of the topics we cover, here are some useful resources.